Sunday, December 5, 2010

Snowflakes...Is there a theme here?

This is just a quick post to let you all know I haven't forgotten you :) I have been short on time and projects this week due to my stomach flu turned head cold/asthma hell, then back to work! I work again today and then I will have Monday thru Wednesday off and should get some crafting time in!

In the mean time, I made these last month and still haven't remembered to look for pin backs to complete these little beauties. I totally CASEd these from Debra Burgin....

And thank you to all the well wishers after my last post! I guess I should say that I was half laughing at my trials this week as anything that ends well is great for me! I just thought it would give a few people a good chuckle to hear all the goofy stuff that was happening in the same stretch of time! That and all you people without snow would really be feeling good about where you  live ;)


Holly / InkPaperStamps said...

Tanya, these are gorgeous!

Sara Mattson-Blume said...

So cute! I like them with that die. Thanks for copying Deb who copied me! I feel so lucky! You all are fabulous.

Yapha said...

Gorgeous! See, that's the kind of snowflakes I like!

Shelley Z said...

These are GREAT! Where did you find the marbles? Would love to case these babies!

Heidi B said...

We're getting our first snow this morning, just flurries. Not ditch-diving snow. :)

Mickey Roberts said...

How cool is that??!!?? Great idea!


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