Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SASCRAP 48 A Few of My Friends

Stampin Addicts is at it again with a great Scrapbooking Challenge! Every Saturday is another challenge. I finally got around to doing another one and this one was a product use Baker's Twine. that wasn't too hard, since I love the stuff :) It was a great excuse to get some of my Utah photos scrapped. I did it all with MDS, which I am lovin more and more. I didn't use any stamps this time, even though I intended to use the GROW stamp on it somewhere....
  • Paper: Domestic Goddess, Pool Party, Daffodil Delight, Calypso Coral, Basic Gray, Whisper White
  • Ink: Basic Black
  • Embellishments: Tasteful Trims die shape #1, Modern Label punch, Whisper White Baker's Twine, Basic Stitches in Basic Black and Whisper White
  • Font: Claudia Jean
And look what else we have in store for you!


Remember to stop by ans check it all out, we will have a ton of fabulous ideas for you all :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

12x12 Scrapbook swap

We can always use more layout ideas, right! Well I signed up for a scrapbooking swap at convention and got some great ideas. I didn't actually use any stamps on this one, but it just didn't need any!

This is page one. The large photo mat is for a 5x7 and the 2 squares are 3x3 I believe. There is a 3" strip of First Edition DSP behind the Lace Ribbon punched strips. You can't see them very well in the photo, but there are pearls dotting the Lace Ribbon punch strips also.

Page two has a 8x8 piece of DSP with more 3x3 photo mats. And see how well the Blossom Triple Layer punch coordinates with the Lace Ribbon punch! I did ink all the edges with the coordinating inks too.
  • Paper: Pool Party, Calypso Coral, Indigo Island, Lucky Limeade, Wisteria Wonder, First Edition DSP
  • Ink: Pool Party, Calypso Coral, Indigo Island, Lucky Limeade, Wisteria Wonder
  • Other: Lace Ribbon border punch, Blossom Triple Layer punch, Basic Black marker, Signo white gel pen, Pearls Basic Jewels, Chocolate Chip Scalloped Dot ribbon
Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pink Doilies Swap Card and a Little of My Garden

Time for more of my swaps! I got home Sunday evening and was so tired and I needed to wash my sheets before I slept in them. It is VERY humid in Minnesota, and even worse lately. Our main level of the house is a walk-in basement and our bedroom is in the very back corner. The floor in one corner was wet and the linen felt soggy! I actually went a bought a dehumidifier yesterday because it was getting so bad for my asthma in there. You really don't want mold to get a hold.
And you should see my gardens! I'll add some pics at the end of this post.

Don't the black doilies look great against the Crumb Cake? I went a little crazy with sponging the edges too, but it looks so good! Lots of layers, of course.

This was my prototype, so you can see that my white outline is really close to the edge. I initially had a narrower layer but didn't like it so I trimmed it down.
  • Stamps: Delicate Doilies, Pennant Parade
  • Paper: Blushing Bride, Crumb Cake, Naturals White
  • Ink: Blushing Bride, Crumb Cake, Basic Black, Craft Whisper White
  • Other: Big Shot with Perfect Pennants die and Vintage Wallpaper EF, Doily Triple Layer punch, 1¾" Circle punch, ¾" Circle punch, Signo white gel pen, sponges, Stampin Dimensionals, Rhinestone Basic Jewels
Ok, now for garden pictures!
Here I am standing right in front of my tomato plants. They are taller than my shoulder!! I have never seen tomato plants so big and they have so many tomatoes on them! I will have tomatoes coming out of my ears is a couple weeks, lol.

This is just one of dozens of clusters of tomatoes, some much larger already.

They look rather jungle-ish don't they. Quite overflowing the raised beds. The bed on the right is broccoli, then beans, then onions and carrots, then spinach and lettuce, and last is peas. The spinach and lettuce are out of control and need to be pulled out and replanted.

This is what broccoli looks like if you wait too long to harvest it. I should have harvested it before I left for convention but I knew the boys wouldn't eat it. My cauliflower went too long too, bummer!

This is corn, pumpkin, squash, cucumbers, and sunflowers. The squash starts in the left back corner and comes out the right front corner. The pumpkin starts in the right back corner and comes out the left front corner. The cucumber starts in the left side and comes out the right front. It's a good thing the grass around it does not grow very tall!

Back to working on my upcoming deadlines :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thank You to Hotel Housekeeping

So, I didn't bring any finished cards to convention, only cardfronts to swap. When it was time to start packing last night, I decided to make a card quickly with the supplies I had on hand. I had thought ahead to bring some prepunched stuff to work with if I had any time to stamp.

So I rifled through the selection and picked out a couple things.

And this is what I came up with. Not terribly fancy, but I think it is kind of cute. I used stamps we got at convention.

Here is a little bit of a close up of the sentiment. And now, a few more pics of the displays at convention. So much cute stuff, I may be showing highlight pics for weeks!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lacey Hearts Swap card and Day 5 in Utah!

Wow this is my last day in Utah. We fly home tomorrow morning. It always goes so fast!! I still have a ton of pictures to take and one more day of classes and general session to enjoy though :) I had some wonderful classes yesterday and learned some cool new tricks to show you all!! Yesterday I did have leave convention for lunch as they were serving a strawberry salad....bad news for Tanya! My lips have started to swell just being near strawberries the last couple of months. I know, crazy!! So my hubby and I went out to the Gateway Mall and ate at Thaifoon, just yummy!! Then back to convention I went..about 2 hours after lunch was done to avoid the strawberry fumes, lol. I ran over to Momento Mall so I could do a little shopping for my convention buddy, Holly (aka hollylogic on SA). Of course I ended up buying more stuff for myself too!
That evening we went out to eat with the SA girls again, and James too, at Tucanos Brazilian Grill. OMG. Awesome! It is n all you can eat place and they make about 17 different grilled meats that they just keep bringing to the table on ginormous skewers until you tell them to stop! More laughter, more fun!
Ok, maybe you want to see more about the card and maybe a couple pictures of the displays ;)
This was my prototype. Loved it. But is needed some more doilies!!

This is what my final version looks like. The hearts have a layer of Lace Ribbon Border punch on top. I just punched hearts out of it and glued them to the tops of the hearts. Now, you wouldn't have to do FIVE of them on a card. The Cherry Cobbler strip is embossed with Perfect Polka Dots and popped up on dimensonals, as are the hearts.
  • Stamps: Delicate Doilies, Word Play
  • Paper: Naturals White, Whisper White, Cherry Cobbler, Chocolate Chip, Crumb Cake
  • Ink: Craft White, Cherry Cobbler, Chocolate Chip
  • Other: Lace Ribbob Border punch, Small Heart punch, Big Shot with Perfect Polka Dots EF, Corner Rounder punch, Cherry Cobbler Baker's Twine, Stampin Dimensionals
Ok, and some display pics....Enjoy!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 4 in Utah

So, yesterday was AWESOME!! So many amazing announcements and so much fun :) I am going to be so broke with the new mini coming out. I think I need everything in it! And seriously, there are 43 pages.... And I have only gotten a couple of things from the new Main cattie! Maybe I should have stayed home from convention, I would have had a lot more money to spend of stamps! Nah! This is way too much fun.
I did have a minor run in with a strawberry yesterday... but someone noticed very quickly and I got my butt away from it :)  Thank You MARY!! My lips swelled just a little bit, but it was ok. Now today is another story. They are serving a lunch with a strawberry salad...... I will not be able to even be there for lunch.
We will see if it is safe fro me to return in the afternoon for general session.  Jamie and I went out for dinner with the SA gang and laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants! Man, those ladies are funny!!
Jamie did not make it to motocross last night but he had fun exploring downtown Salt Lake yesterday. We did manage to get to Tony Caputo's market right before they closed. We have to go again when we have ore than 2 minutes to may our cheese selections :)
Ok, I need to jump in the shower so I can go back to convention in about 20 minutes.

This is my Treat Cup Swap. I love it. I hope everyone else does too! I did not use a new set, but I did use the new In-Colors and a new die :) And I have recently discovered a love for hot air balloons! I even looked into taking a ride in one here, but it is VERY expensive...

And this one has a little secret. The clouds hold the back access flap closed!! Do you love it?!

Ok one more pic of the treat....

And some of the new stuff... I don't have time to write anything about them right now. I will have to come back later and edit this post with more info on the next pictures, but enjoy then just the same. I do have to say Birch Bark Paper!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 3 in Utah!

This was my view for Breakfast yesterday... heaven! This was at Ruth's Diner which is down in a canyon about 25 minutes away from downtown Salt Lake City! Now, if the view isn't enough, the food is delicious, and the service is fast and friendly. If you ever have the opportunity, go check it out!
Then on our way back to the hotel, I saw a sign for the Red Butte Gardens and wanted to go check it out. I knew they held concerts in an outdoor auditorium and thought it would be cool to check it out. Well, we found the gardens and arboretum and it is FANTASTIC!! We ended up spending 3 hours there. You may not know this, but one of my other passions is nature. LOVE it, can't get enough of it! There is a reason we live in the sticks, lol!
So this is just one of the dozens of little hidey-holes they have tucked into the gardens. Wonderful mixture of  cultivated, exotic, native, and wild areas throughout the gardens. The recommended path through it is about 1 mile and you can walk it or take a tram tour. Of course we walked it and went down all of the little side trails. At one point we were literally off the grounds and in the wilderness. Ironically if you take away the mountains, the vegetation was very similar to what we have in our backyard! Minus the mosquitos of course! I can't believe the lack of annoying insects! Now I understand a little better why out of state people go on so much about the pests. They just don't have them!

This is another of the wonderful little water gardens, so peaceful! Apparently arriving just after 9:00 am is a great time if you want the place mostly to yourself!

And this is under the plant roofed area...fantastic view of the city with the mountains in the background. I took 240 pictures in this place. It is really hard for me to chose just a few!

Ok, now this is for Holly (catrules). She says I should use this as my avatar. I don't think so. It does show me in my natural state...talking...but the hair! And the dazed look in my eyes!! OMG! I look like I just came off a bender!!! And I am so not a drinker, lol!

And with the hubby :) 
OK, last one of the gardens, for now... heavenly! 

We left the gardens at about 12:30 and then I needed to get my butt over to the convention center and get my bag and stamps and hit Momento Mall! Cute stuff this year! I didn't have time to take any pictures of those yet, because I had the Stampin Addicts Meet & Greet at 2:30. And I left my extra camera battery in the room, so I didn't get many more pictures in before it died...  I promise I will have some more good ones of actual convention tomorrow!!We had such a great time, and talked and laughed! I ended up walking back to the convention center with Holly and hanging with the SA gals at the Kick Off party, and sweet Trina gave me a ride back tot he hotel. Everyone was pretty pooped by then :) Now, I need to get my butt in gear again and get ready to hit the Main Floor!!! Later everybody!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Scream, You Scream!

Day #2 in Salt Lake City!! Today's agenda includes a tour of the Timpanogos Mountains Caves in the morning and the Stampin Addicts Meet & Greet in the afternoon. Lots of swapping will be going on! And Jamie will be going out to see some Motocross this evening. I will try to go with, but it is only for 2 hours and I will still be at the Meet & Greet when he leaves. Oh well, I can't do it ALL can I. I am enjoying myself immensely, and I so needed this getaway :) I haven't even really had time to do any non-convention stamping the last couple weeks. And this girl needs her stampin therapy :)
Yesterday we flew in at about 10:30 am Salt Lake time and on the flight from Minneapolis I had quite a pleasant surprise! Kim Bolzenthal actually had the seat right next to me!! Talk about a small world, lol! We talked the whole way there while my husband sat on the other side of me with a slightly glazed look in his eyes... poor guy. But once we got here and got the car (a Taurus SEL- fancy-smancy!), we tried to check in early, couldn't so we went up to Park City Rafting and went white water rafting, fun!!! We went last time we came here too, but it was so mild we barely got wet that time. This time we went in a rougher river (Weaver River) and the water is REALLY high this year. LOTS of whitewater. I am happy to report that I did not fall backwards into the guide's lap this time....just forward once....but that was all and I even did a good job paddling :) Cole was a great guide! I am 20 pounds lighter this time too, that does not hurt!  I did not bring the camera this time, which is good because although the views were amazing, I am sure I would have ruined the camera, or lost it overboard!
Ok, now on to the card! This is another of the swaps I made. Doesn't it just look good enough to eat?! Especially with the heat wave everywhere lately!

I went a little crazy with the layers again. But they really make a card look fantastic!! I did some embossing and then I inked up a texturz plate with River Rock and Whisper White thru the Big Shot with it. Love that effect! The ice cream is textured also with the other side of the same plate. I had to add a little bling with the Champagne Glass Glitter :)
  • Stamps: Pennant Parade
  • Paper: River Rock, Pool Party, Calypso Coral, Pink Pirouette, Wisteria Wonder, Whisper White, Soft Suede
  • Ink: River Rock, Soft Suede
  • Other: Big Shot with Elegant Lines EF and Perfect Details Texturz Plate, Cupcake Builder punch, Petite Pennants punch, Crystal Effects, Champagne Glass Glitter, Stampin Dimensionals
Until tomorrow!! I will try to have some pictures of my trip for you all soon, too!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

I am boarding the plane to fly to Salt Lake City at 06:15 today!!! Stampin Up! Convention is an amazing experience and I can't wait to get there :)
I thought I would share my swaps with you this week, so I can make you all wish you were here with me ;) Here is the first one!

This was the prototype. It still needed something and I played with it for a while before I just put it aside and went to bed. It did not help that my asthma was totally out of control that night so I couldn't hardly breath, let alone think. I ended up not sleeping and went in to the ER for a breathing treatment and steroids at about 4am. I got home around 5:30am (I know, super fast ER visit!) and then I could only sleep a little bit. The steroids were sure keeping me up! But on the upside, I whipped up 5 really cute card designs later that day!

And this is the final version of this one. I ended up making 17 of these, and this year I already set aside my copies of my swaps. I learned my lesson after the last convention I went to and didn't have any of the ones I made!
I really enjoyed working with this set. It has a very modern feel to it. Lots of soft curves and botanical glory. The new Scalloped Polka Dot ribbon is awesome to work with too, soft and flexible and fun! I wanted some paper buttons on this card, so I used both of the button dies and layered them all together!
  • Stamps: My Friend
  • Paper: Lucky Limeade, Chocolate Chip, River Rock, Naturals White
  • Ink: Lucky Limeade, Chocolate Chip
  • Other: Big Shot with Buttons #2 die and Sweet Buttons embosslit, Signo White gel pen, Stampin' Dimensionals, Chocolate Chipped Scalloped Polka Dot ribbon, Corner Rounder punch
I will have another swap to show you tomorrow!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tie a Yellow Ribbon

Welcome Everybody! I am so honored to be taking part of this fabulous event. Who can resist a weekend of challenges, and such an amazing cause! I am rather new to the OWH scene, but I hope I can inspire a few cards to send their way :)

My Challenge to you is to use these colors to make a card. It would be really awesome if you then sent that card to OWH, wink, wink!

Remember that old song? I think of it every time I think of Operation Write Home and think it is a perfect way to think of our troops. They need more "Thinking of You" cards to send home too!
Here is my example:

I love that double seater-chair image!
  • Stamps: Have a Seat, Word Play
  • Paper: Naturals White, Early Espresso, Daffodil Delight, Peach Parfait
  • Ink: Early Espresso, Daffodil Delight
  • Other: Daffodil Delight 1/8" taffeta ribbon, Distressing tool from Cutter Kit, Itty Bitty Shapes punch bunch, Stmapin' Dimensionals, Pearls Basic Jewels, Early Espresso marker
Now, let's see what you can come up with! Just link to your creation below with Mr Linky and enter to win a prize!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


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