Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thank You to Hotel Housekeeping

So, I didn't bring any finished cards to convention, only cardfronts to swap. When it was time to start packing last night, I decided to make a card quickly with the supplies I had on hand. I had thought ahead to bring some prepunched stuff to work with if I had any time to stamp.

So I rifled through the selection and picked out a couple things.

And this is what I came up with. Not terribly fancy, but I think it is kind of cute. I used stamps we got at convention.

Here is a little bit of a close up of the sentiment. And now, a few more pics of the displays at convention. So much cute stuff, I may be showing highlight pics for weeks!!


Yapha said...

Love your tin of pre-punched stuff! Great idea!

Sue said...

Cute spur-of-the-moment card! Bright & cheerful!

Cindy said...

Great idea to be prepared (were you a Girl Scout?)! I'll bet housekeeping really liked the card.

Anonymous said...

How did you have the energy to create anything else? You are super woman! lol

Thanks for sharing the pics from convention. I completely missed the lamp with the buttons...

Heidi B said...

What a good little stamper you are! I didn't bring any supplies with me. I love, love, love your garden pics earlier in the week. Nice you had a moment to relax before all the busy-ness!

Mickey Roberts said...

Love your pre-punched goodies! What a great way to decompress.


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